How you give matters. Open a fund that reflects your values and ideals; something your family, business, and beneficiaries will feel proud to carry on for generations to come.

Our philanthropic advisors provide you with the tools needed to make the most of your giving and are happy to go over fund options to help you make the best decision. 

We provide a personalized service tailored to your charitable and financial interests. In addition, you will have access to an easy and secure online portal so you can recommend grants 24/7.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds are made for long-term giving, allowing those assets to be available when the community needs them most.

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Let’s Make an

It is important to feel your legacy is in good hands. At the Community Foundation of Utah we connect with donors over shared values and interests, working toward a common goal: make the world a better place. We cultivate rich relationships with our fundholders based on the belief that we are all in this together.